Payment Statuses

Payment statuses indicates the status of the transaction

Please notice that the bank returns some of these statuses and some of them are created by us.

StatusDescriptionPayment ServiceBank/OF
ACCCSettlement on the creditor's account has been completed.
הסתיימה ההעברה בהצלחה ושינויים לא אפשריים (הכסף יעבור לפי הבנק)
ACSCSettlement on the debtor’s account has been completed. Usage: this can be used by the first agent to report to the debtor that the transaction has been completed. Warning: this status is provided for transaction status reasons, not for financial information. It can only be used after bilateral agreement.
הסתיימה ההעברה בהצלחה והכסף יצא מחשבון המעביר (הכסף יעבור לפי הבנק)
fp, masavBank
ACSPAll preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. פעולת הייזום בוצעה בהצלחה טכניתfp, masavBank
ACTCAuthentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful.
פעולת הייזום בוצעה בהצלחה טכנית
ACWCInstruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent.
אושרה ההעברה טכנית אך עלולה לכלול שינויים
RCVDPayment initiation has been received by the receiving agent.
הוקמה הפעולה לתשלום בבנק - סטטוס ביניים
RJCTPayment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. Possible reasons: lack of coverage, transaction expired, or bank rejected.
התשלום נדחה בבנק. אפשריות: דחה את ההעברה עקב חוסר כיסוי/פג תוקף ההעברה/הבנק דחה את ההעברה/הלקוח דחה את ההעברה
PATCThe payment initiation needs multiple authentications, where some but not yet all have been performed. Syntactical and semantical validations are successful. הסטטוס מהווה אינדיקציה לכך שההעברה מחכה לחתימת מורשים נוספים. ניתן לביצוע עד 5 ימי עסקים - סטטוס בינייםallBank
PENDINGWhen the payment status is still RCVD after the payment has been finalized, the status will be pending. This might happen if the payment needs to be authorized by a banker or needs special authorization.
ההעברה ממתינה לאישורים נוספים, ייתכן אישור בנקאי או אישור נוסף - סטטוס ביניים
ERRORIndicates failure in the process.
אירעה שגיאה
INITThe payment has been created but not yet completed by the user.
סטטוס ראשוני - הוקמה הפעולה

Status Lifecycle


The Status Lifecycle is the heart of the Payment product, understanding it is a key for success using this product

Flow TypeLifecycleExplanation
Success (Masav)INIT -> RCVD -> ACTC/ACWC/ACSP
Reject by user/bank after user sent to bankINIT -> RCVD -> RJCTIf abandoned, the bank will change the payment to RJCT after a period of time, differs in each bank and up to 5 days
Success (FP)INIT -> RCVD -> ACSC
Multiple authenticators Success (מספר חותמים)INIT -> RCVD -> PATC -> ACTC/ACWC/ACSC/ACSCWill become RJCT after 5 days
Multiple authenticators Reject by user/bankINIT -> RCVD -> PATC -> RJCTIf not all of the authenticators accept the payment it will become RJCT after 5 days
Pending bank approval (אישור בנקאי)INIT -> RCVD -> PENDING -> ACTC/ACWC/ACSC/ACSC
Error from bankINIT -> RCVD -> ERROR
Error from Open FinanceINIT -> ERROR
Reject due to abandonmentINIT -> RJCTWill become RJCT after 5 days