
An overview on the Connection object

What is a connection?

A connection is a connection of your user with a financial institution. Each connection is unique to each user.


Connection hierarchy

A user can have multiple connections. A connection can have multiple accounts from the same financial institution. each account can have multiple transactions.

Connection Mode

PSD2For financial institutions that supports PSD2 Open Banking protocol, We will create a consent process with using OAuth protocol which will allow us to fetch the user's financial consented data.

A connection has a mode depending on the financial institution and the way the user/you chose to connect with.

Connection Status

Every connection has a status that describes his state and in what part of the process this connection is currently is

INACTIVEThe connection is initialised currently in a stale state. Waiting for user action.
FETCHINGOur systems are trying to connect to the financial institution.
CONNECTEDWe have successfully connected to the user financial institution. In this point the consent journey will be over.
COMPLETEDFor one time connection, this means we fetched all the users accounts and transactions for this connection.
ACTIVEFor recurring connection. we are actively fetching each day the user account and transaction information so you can get to most accurate financial data.
ERRORThe connection encountered an error in the process. You can see the error details using the GET connection api.
EXPIREDExpired status is when the connection can no longer be used.
FETCHING_ERRORWhen an error occurs during the fetching data process. Contact us for information.
REJECTEDWhen the account owner rejects the consent in his provider.
PARTIALLY_AUTHORIZEDThis status will appear once the bank account needs one or more additional account owners to sign the consent. The provider will send sms messages to all of the additional account owners with the link to sign the consent. Once all of the needed approvals has been collected, the connection will be changed to ACTIVE. If one of the account owners declined the consent, the connection will be changed to REJECTED. If 5 days has passed and the account owners didn't reject or approved the consent, the connection will be changed to EXPIRED.
REPLACEDA new connection with the same psuId and in the same provider is now ACTIVE
REVOKEDThe psu revoked his consent in the provider site/app

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